About PEMF

What is PEMF?

Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field(PEMF) is a non-invasive therapy that makes use of electromagnetic pulses to stimulate cellular function and in turn, improve numerous conditions. When there is inflammation present in your body, caused by injury, diet, stress, or any number of other reasons, the chemical balance around your cells is disrupted. PEMF helps to break through the inflammation and normalize the chemical balance so that your cells can work more efficiently. This sets up your body to maintain itself properly and improve whatever injuries or irregularities are present.

Where did PEMF come from?

Current PEMF technology may be relatively new but the concept is certainly not. The idea that we can use electromagnetic energy to heal the body has existed for thousands of years, used by several ancient cultures including the Greeks, Chinese, and Egyptians. However, the development of current PEMF technology was the result of researchers at NASA in the 1960s who found the benefits of electromagnetic fields on healing bone fractures and furthered the use of this technology by using it to help astronauts recover after space flight. The FDA has since approved the therapy for numerous conditions including, but not limited to…

Stimulating bone growth-1979

Postoperative edema and pain-1987

Depression for people who don’t respond to medication-2008

Brain cancer-2011



What does PEMF do?

PEMF helps break through inflammation, improve blood flow, and oxygenate the blood. All of which help rejuvenate the cells. It is important to note the PEMF does not treat any medical conditions, illnesses, or diseases. It simply benefits and helps restore the body’s natural processes.

Can I feel the effects immediately?

The effects of PEMF vary for each individual. Since the needs and goals of each person vary, the intensity and duration of a session change. This means you may feel the effects immediately, a day after the session, or not for several days. If you are new to PEMF we recommend three sessions to start. The first is an hour-long comprehensive session for the whole body. The following two will be between 20-30mins and will focus more on your problem spots.

When shouldn’t I use PEMF?

You cannot have any battery-operated devices on or in your body. Those with pacemakers, electrical implants, or insulin pumps cannot participate in PEMF. If you are pregnant or undergoing chemotherapy you also cannot use PEMF. If you have cancer, consult a physician before a session. PEMF should also not be used during active bleeding because of its effects on blood flow.

What does it feel like?

The electromagnetic pulses can present themselves in several ways. Most people will feel their muscles pulsing in the affected area. The pulsing can be light or heavier depending on the intensity of the machine. It can also feel like tingling occasionally. If there is ever sharp pain or a deep ache during a session, let your technician know as this means the machine is set too high. This should NEVER be painful for you.

Where should I start?

If you are new to PEMF read the information on this page prior to setting up a session. We encourage you to contact us with any more questions you may have prior to setting up a session. If you decide to start PEMF we recommend at least three sessions within two weeks in order to have the best results.

What does a session consist of?

What a session consists of will depend on your needs. If you are simply trying to maintain health the sessions will likely consist of working on your whole body with various machine attachments and intensities to ensure every part of your body is getting proper exposure. If there is a specific area of concern the session will consist of working on the affected area and the immediate surrounding area. More often than not where our pain is, is not where the problem is, which is why working on the surrounding area is important as well.